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New York Spine and Sports Surgery

Orthopedic Spine Surgeon & Orthopedic Sports Surgeon located in East Garden City, Garden City, NY & Bloomfield, NJ

The path to healing from a sports injury can be long and frustrating. If you suffer from tendon, muscle, or joint injuries or experience knee arthritis or back pain from a previous injury, you may be a great candidate for a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection. Board-certified orthopedic surgeon Aron D. Rovner, MD, offers expert PRP injections at two New York Spine and Sports Surgery locations in Garden City, New York, and Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Call your nearest office today to learn more about the innovative treatment, or book an appointment online.


What is a PRP injection?

A platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is an effective and safe treatment that speeds up healing after an injury. Your blood is mostly a liquid called plasma, but it also contains platelets that are vital in clotting blood and healing injuries. 

During a PRP injection, Dr. Rovner first draws your blood. They then use a process called centrifugation to separate your blood’s platelets from the other cells and increase their concentration. 

Dr. Rovner then injects this higher concentration of platelets into the targeted site where you have an injury. This process can help your body speed up its recovery time.

What can a PRP injection treat?

The injection treats:

  • Joint injuries 
  • Ligament, tendon, and muscle injuries 
  • Neck and back pain
  • Sprained knees 
  • Golfer’s elbow and tennis elbow
  • Osteoarthritis of the hip, knee, or shoulder joints
  • Rotator cuff injuries

PRP injections can also speed up the healing of broken bones.  

Dr. Rovner discusses your injury, current health, and recovery goals to determine if you're a good candidate for PRP injections. Because he makes the PRP injection from your blood, there is no risk of an allergic reaction — another benefit of the treatment. 

What happens during a PRP injection appointment? 

Dr. Rovner first performs a medical exam and discusses the process with you before proceeding with a PRP injection. He then draws a small amount of your blood. 

After putting your blood in a centrifuge, which allows Dr. Rovner to collect three times more platelets than a standard blood sample, he numbs the injection site. He then injects the PRP into the site of your injury. It’s normal for you to feel some sensitivity at the injection site. 

The entire process should take less than an hour, and you may need to rest after the procedure. 

Dr. Rovner encourages you to ice the injection site every two to three hours for the first few days after your treatment. You shouldn’t experience any pain, but be sure to slowly ease back into rigorous activity that might affect the site of your injury. 

If you’re suffering from chronic or acute pain and want to hear more about PRP treatments, call New York Spine and Sports Surgery today or schedule your appointment through the online portal.